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Home Yoga Practice makes three years

Hard to believe my little blog has crossed the three year mark. After this week, I have low motivation to write as I am still trying to make sense of world events. We do indeed live in interesting times. So therefore, I will convey a message of hope.

One thing I tell my clients who have severe depression is that nothing is permanent. Quoting David Reynolds’ theory: moods are very much like the weather: there are storms, there is snow, and there are also long sunny days. When the weather is bad, do we mope around, or do we carry on? Most carry on and do what needs to be done regardless of what is going on outside. So my message to is to continue carrying on regardless of whats going on inside.

To me that is the essence of yoga. Not allowing your mind to get away from you so you can see the true value of who you are on a continual basis. You may not realize it, but you make a huge impact on the world. If your a parent, look at how your kids need you. If you are younger, look at how your actions impact your future.

If you cannot figure out what to do with yourself during these times, just do yoga for a while on your own. Yoga will provide you with all the answers you need to get through this moment.

from Home Yoga Practice