hrVDkp8PrJF11Qr1GJNSuzUX The twists and turns of Fukuoka gardening - practice of yoga

The twists and turns of Fukuoka gardening

I have to admit that I have good garden days and bad garden days. Some days I feel that my garden is doing great, an other days when I feel like I’d be better off just buying produce at the farmer’s market and be done with it all. In yogic terms, it is much like citta vritti, or endless mind chatter. If you’ve been following my blog, I have had a lot of bad news lately and today I took a “mental health” day off from work and spent a good part of it tending to my garden.


The “weeds” I talked about in the last post were starting to overpower, so I covered them with straw and coffee grounds (above) to suppress them. I’m not trying to eradicate them, just restore the natural balance to my garden. It seems to be effective.


A patch of snap peas (above) are growing strongly in one area. I sowed these seeds directly under the straw as opposed to putting them in seed balls. They are doing remarkably well.


This Japanese cucumber (above) is growing right out a seed ball along with what looks like romaine lettuce seedlings. Often times there are multiple types of seeds in a ball and they spread out like this. You can also see the rich mixture of clover seedlings, weeds, and grasses in the background.


This mint is the only transplant in my garden. It was droopy for the first few days, but is now full with new leaves growing. You can see how it it towers over the tiny clover seedlings about a half a foot below. Nature has the most aesthetically pleasing patterns, doesn’t she?


I think this is the last remaining beet seedling in my garden as the others have perished. I put a marker to I don’t trample on it as I suspect I have with countless other seedlings.


My kabocha pumpkin patch is thriving in the corner of my garden. Once these start to bolt they will take up plenty of real estate.  You can see from this angle how many textures there are in this garden. It is like you would see these growing in the wild along with grasses, weeds, and other plants. The soil is moist and rich under the straw.


Another patch of tiny Romaine lettuce seedlings growing right next to a patch of grass. In this style of gardening there is no weeding, just allowing nature to take turns growing what it wants to grow in the soil. I hope you found this post as therapeutic as I have.

from Home Yoga Practice