I harvested a few items from my garden recently. My vegetables are so small that they would barely be a mouthful. Look how tiny my eggplant and Roma tomato turned out…
Since there is no good sense of scale here, the eggplant is roughly the size of a lemon, and the tomato the size of, well you can do the calculations based on the photo. I have a guilty pleasure of viewing Conor Bofin’s site called “One Man’s Meat.” Although I don’t eat that much meat, I like his sense of authentic preparation and photography skills. So I will channel my inner Conor for this blog and attempt to do with veggies what he does with lamb chops.
Luckily I had a good picking of leaves from a mustard spinach green plant and a few stray basil.
I chopped up the eggplant (not seen) the tomato and a half a shallot.
I sautéed the eggplant in a splash of olive oil soon followed by the shallots…
Then added the mustard-spinach and basil.
Once reduced in size I added a dash of salt and pepper and a twist of lemon to brighten it all up.
Voila! About two or three delicious bites.
And a nice mango for dessert given to me by one of the students at my studio. (Thank you Sandy!)
Then I scarfed a huge bowl of unsightly left over pasta (not seen). Hope I did you justice Conor!
from Home Yoga Practice http://ift.tt/2sB1dTS