hrVDkp8PrJF11Qr1GJNSuzUX One hell of a year - practice of yoga

One hell of a year

As 2018 is quickly drying up, I have a minute to sit and look back at this dense 365 day cycle that has been a doozy. Very early in the year we had a false missile alert scare, for a good part of this year I was not sure my place of employment would have its contract renewed, we had a hurricane threat to the point where I had to board up my house, Geeta passed away just two days after her father’s centennial celebrations, and last Sunday my wife had to have an unexpected surgery. Nothing is scarier and lonelier than waiting for a loved one who is under anesthesia. Happily, the procedure went well and she is recovering nicely.

In all of that, I still managed to pass the teaching portion of my Junior I assessment and finally have a nice vacation with my wife. Since her father died, we have not been able to travel because of caregiving duties. Another bright light is my nephew who was born last December. And recently we added a new member to our family, a Golden Retriever puppy named Kinako.


I have not posted much yoga-related content this year mostly because I wanted to focus all my energy on passing the assessment and secondly because of all the world’s chaos. Now that I am Junior I, I can give some more asana tutorials from asana-s in that syllabus in 2019.

I appreciate all who follow my garden posts too. Watching the teems of life cycles of each of my plants has helped me heal and stay grounded through all of this.

May you all have a blessed holiday season and auspicious new year.

Om shanti


from Home Yoga Practice